AMSTERDAM - Dutch Foreign Minister Uli Rosenthal asked the Arab countries follow the example of Israel in terms of democracy and freedom of speech.
"No one country-including Israel-which is free from criticism. But until now the only country that has a system of democracy in the Middle East region. Has the Supreme Court of being firm in protecting human rights and democracy. In the case of this, other countries can learn, "said Rosenthal in front of the students at the University of Leiden, on Thursday.
In discussions with students, a critical question about the relationship ejected Netherlands and Israel. Does Dutch Cabinet whose program upholds human rights, not semustinya been critical of the Israelites? The Dutch student said Israel has repeatedly rebuked the United Nations Security Council for violating human rights of the Palestinian people.
But according to Rosenthal, the criticism came from countries that have a negative view of the Israelites. These countries supporting the resolution of the Palestinian independence. Rosenthal emphasized that the Netherlands should be more focus on countries with terrible human rights conditions.
"Freedom of opinion, religion, gay rights and women's, Internet freedom. And the extensive attention to human rights in the Arab world, the Dutch cabinet's policy focus," he said.
"The Netherlands must not ignore the struggle toward freedom and democracy are rolling in the Arab world," he said.
"No one country-including Israel-which is free from criticism. But until now the only country that has a system of democracy in the Middle East region. Has the Supreme Court of being firm in protecting human rights and democracy. In the case of this, other countries can learn, "said Rosenthal in front of the students at the University of Leiden, on Thursday.
In discussions with students, a critical question about the relationship ejected Netherlands and Israel. Does Dutch Cabinet whose program upholds human rights, not semustinya been critical of the Israelites? The Dutch student said Israel has repeatedly rebuked the United Nations Security Council for violating human rights of the Palestinian people.
But according to Rosenthal, the criticism came from countries that have a negative view of the Israelites. These countries supporting the resolution of the Palestinian independence. Rosenthal emphasized that the Netherlands should be more focus on countries with terrible human rights conditions.
"Freedom of opinion, religion, gay rights and women's, Internet freedom. And the extensive attention to human rights in the Arab world, the Dutch cabinet's policy focus," he said.
"The Netherlands must not ignore the struggle toward freedom and democracy are rolling in the Arab world," he said.
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